Your financial support, on any scale, is essential to the projects we carry out and allows us to carry on with our work. Thank you very much for backing what we do!
For donations of 3,000 euros and above, you can allocate your donation to a specific NGO Shipbreaking Platform project. To do so, contact us. If there is no preferred project by the donor and for donations of under 3,000 euros, we allocate the money to projects we deem the most urgent.
Bank account: ING Bank - IBAN: BE 66 3630 0892 4343 - SWIFT/BIC: BBRUBEBB
The account is in the name of: NGO Shipbreaking Platform, Rue de la Liniere 11, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
We like to say thank you when people support us. That's why we will send you a letter of thanks, together with one reward, for any contribution of 100 euros or more. Let us know should you have any preference on the rewards below (i.e. tote backpack, tote bag, A3 posters).

Vessels are recycled in facilities that ensure clean, safe, and just practices that provide workers with decent jobs. Vessels will be toxic-free and no longer cause harm to workers, local communities, or the environment at end-of-life.
To act as a catalyst for change by effectively advocating for clean, safe, and just ship recycling globally. This necessitates denouncing dirty and dangerous practices, such as the dumping of end-of-life vessels on the beaches of developing countries. Our commitment to finding sustainable global solutions is based on the respect of human and workers’ rights and the principles of environmental justice, producer responsibility, ‘polluter pays’, and clean production.
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform is a global coalition of environmental, human and labour rights organisations working to reverse the environmental and human rights abuses of current shipbreaking practices and to ensure the safe and environmentally sound dismantling of end-of-life ships worldwide.