The NGO Shipbreaking Platform is a global coalition of environmental, human and labour rights organisations working to reverse the environmental and human rights abuses of current shipbreaking practices and to ensure the safe and environmentally sound dismantling of end-of-life ships worldwide.
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform has seventeen organisations as members, distributed in ten countries around the world.

"Maritime transportation is and will be crucial for all global trade. Bellona is engaged in all aspects of reducing the climate and environmental footprint of shipping and shipbreaking. The NGO Shipbreaking Platform is our most important partner and source of trustworthy information about the harmful beaching of ships. To change the industry's behavior, from substandard shipbreaking to clean and safe ship recycling, the Platform is the most influential organisation making this vision become reality."
Sigurd Enge - Bellona Foundation
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform also collaborates with other non-governmental organisations on various projects (e.g. organisation of events, submission of position papers, social media campaigns). Partners are not formal members of the coalition.