In the last years, we have been collaborating with several photographers and graphic designers. It is thanks to these professionals if today we can present the issue of shipbreaking with such a high visual impact.
It has been a pleasure to work, amongst others, with:
Yudha Baskoro, Isacco Chiaf, Tomaso Clavarino, Adam Cohn, Anne-Lise Combeaud, Andrea Della Longa & Veronica Di Blas, Luca & Reinhard Fasching, Amar Guriro, Tobia Maschio, Andreas Ragnarsson, Pierre Torset, Signe Westi, Lukasz Wypior.

The NGO Shipbreaking Platform gratefully acknowledges EU funding support.
The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the NGO Shipbreaking Platform and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.